Shredder Wizard
Never under buy - when considering a purchase try to imagine the volume you will need to shred in 5 years time.

KOBRA Waste Sacks (390-400) (99.203)

Pack of 50

£72.00 + vat (1pk)  (£86.40 inc vat)
£139.68 + vat (2 pks)  (£167.62 inc vat)
£342.00 + vat (5 pks)  (£410.40 inc vat)

The use of a Kobra waste sack with a shredder means that the dust is collected within a sealed unit cannot escape. The use of an internal waste sack makes emptying much easier even with a full collection box. Anyone who has tried to empty a collection box directly into a skip in the car park or rubbish bin as the wind gets hold of it will only do it once! The use of a plastic bag will eliminate the possibility of shreds blowing down the street and generally causing untidy mess.

KOBRA Waste Sacks (390-400)